Our expertise

Our expertise

Un esprit d’équipe et un travail quotidien de précision

From the vine to the glass, Château La Castille puts the human being at the heart of its concerns. Each member of the team plays a fundamental role that allows us to evolve and reinvent ourselves each year. Each vintage is unique, that's why we must get to know it, make it grow, to get the best out of it and share the pleasure of tasting it with the customer. 

The human management approach of our estate is essential to cultivate our goal of producing balanced wines that express the aromatic potential of our terroir in an exceptional way. Our soils are worked both mechanically and manually with respect for the environment. The work in the vineyards is done carefully by hand (pruning, de-budding, etc.) and the phytosanitary treatment is perfectly controlled since our vineyard is certified HVE (High Environmental Value) at the highest level.

The vine

A reasoned culture and passionate people

The soil

160 hectares in the heart of Provence

  • AOP
  • château

Nouveau Look pour nos cuvées Glorius et Sancti

  • IGP
  • domaine
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