The soil

The soil

160 160 hectares in the heart of Provence

Ideally located at equal distance from Toulon and Hyères, in the Gapeau valley, the Domaine-Château La Castille owns vineyards identified since 1566 on the cadastral plans of the Toulon region. It is the oldest estate in the Var.

Nearly 25 grape varieties are grown on these soils made of limestone gravel and granite alluvium to produce rosés, reds and whites AOP Côtes de Provence and IGP Var. In this land of sun and vines, men already celebrated "the divine nectar" more than 500 years ago.

  • AOP
  • château

Nouveau Look pour nos cuvées Glorius et Sancti

  • IGP
  • domaine

The vine

A reasoned culture and passionate people

Our know-how

Team spirit and daily precision work

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