the history of la castille

the history of LA CASTILLE

The oldest winery in th Var

Located at the foot of the Maures in the Toulon region between the villages of La Crau, La Farlède and Solliès, La Castille came into being in the 15th century during the reign of Good King René, Duke of Anjou and Count of Provence. The estate was then part of the many possessions of the Forbin family, the Seigneurs of Solliès and well known throughout Provence. In 1524, Provence was invaded by the armies of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain. The estate was for some time the encampment of the imperial regiments of Castile, which is where the name comes from. The name “Castille” thus appeared for the first time in writing in 1566. Sold by the Forbin family in 1716, the estate became the property of Louis de Selle, Advisor to the King and Treasurer General of the Navy in Toulon. It was he who built the castle in its current form and dug the monumental, vaulted cellars. 

In 1829, the Comte de Selle sold the domain to a family of silk manufacturers from Lyon, the Auberts, who let it flourish. Dying without an heir in 1922, Frédéric Aubert left the estate to the Church, requesting that this house should be dedicated to hospitality and the training of priests. The property of the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon through the Fondation La Castille, the estate is now devoted to winemaking and the many different missions of the Church.


An eco-friendly vineyard certified HVE

Winemaking in Provence

26 centuries of history in a single glass of wine 

La vigne

Une culture raisonnée et des hommes passionnés

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